The Event Lead-Winning System
Sep 19, 2016Events can help you win leads – and business
Have you ever spoken in public, or thought about speaking in public? If you haven’t, it’s a great way of establishing yourself as an expert and winning new business. But, incredible as it may seem, although the event lead-winning system has brought me hundreds of thousands of pounds of business over the last 12 months, I don't see any other speakers using it.
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The secret behind winning new clients…
If you've been invited to speak at someone else’s event, for example, one organised by your local chamber of commerce or bank, what’s your primary goal?
Of course, you want to add value. You want to deliver great content. And you want to be seen as the expert. But your primary goal is always to capture the contact details of everybody in the room.
But, before I teach you how to do just that, let me talk briefly about the three-tier event pyramid. If you're invited to do a keynote presentation, which means you’ll be speaking to the entire audience, then your main goal will be to capture contact details.
But if you can arrange the opportunity to run a breakout workshop after the presentation, grab it! You can then use your keynote to give people a compelling reason to come to your workshop. And, in the workshop, you can add even more value by teaching them specifics. And that’s when you can make sure you capture the contact details of everyone in the room.
Remember – drive traffic to your own events
When you speak at somebody else's event, don’t use it as a sales platform. Instead add value, deliver a message, inspire and motivate. Save the selling for your own event or webinar – but do use any speaking opportunity to capture contact details. The key is to drive traffic to your own future events.
So, just how do you capture people’s contact details?
First, I create a professionally printed handout to give to every single delegate. And, second, in addition, I always give them at least two or three things for free in return for their details:
· a copy of my ebook (they need to enter their name and email address first)
· the option to tick a box to find out more (it drives people to a follow-up webinar that, because I’m then in control of the process, I can use to sell).
In a nutshell, the event lead-winning system helps you:
1. use other people's events to capture contact details
2. drive people to your own webinar, event or face-to-face meeting.
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Wishing you every success on your pricing journey
Mark Wickersham
Chartered Accountant, Public Speaker and Author of Amazon No.1 Best Seller “Effective Pricing for Accountants”