Video VS. Live: Why Going Live is SO Powerful
Jul 26, 2021Historically, we have tended to do everything with our clients on a one-to-one basis. However, in the past few years, the world has changed massively. We’re increasingly moving online rather than meeting face-to-face, and this opens up new opportunities for scaling this process and delivering value one-to-many.
In the last blog post I took you through 9 different ways you can utilise video so that you increase your value and come across as the expert. Now, I want to take that a step further and think about the benefits of going LIVE. That is, the benefits of webinars and live streams to social media.
Video is great for so many reasons, and there are so many ways that you can use video to build value. But going live is even better still.
Scaling one-to-many
With live streams and webinars, you can reach a much wider audience than typical one-to-one communication with clients. If you have an update about your work, let your clients know you’re going live and will be taking questions, and you save yourself time having to email or call them all individually, and make yourself seem professional and expert in the process. You can add value to multiple clients all at once!
Building your brand
Webinars and livestreams are extremely effective at getting your name out there, positioning you as the expert, and building your brand. When people see you consistently going live, they associate your name with a high level of professionalism and value and know that they can get great quality content from you often.
Building your email list
When you run a webinar specifically, you build your email list as prospective clients give you their email address to sign up for the webinar.
The main reason why going live is even more powerful than video is the level of engagement it allows. When you go live, you can ask your audience questions, see their answers in the chat box, and respond to them in real time. You can give shout-outs, mention your viewers by name, and they feel acknowledged and will immediately warm to you. The level of interaction that live streaming offers through chat, polls, questions and quizzes is so powerful for engaging your audience.
Going live is more natural and conversational than video. That means that your audience will be more willing to overlook mistakes, so you can relax, be yourself and focus on building value. Also, you don’t need to spend as much time re-filming when you mess up, and editing your video afterwards, as it’s all live in the moment! You also communicate better in a more natural, conversational environment
There’s a sense of immediacy with live streams. People see you going live and know it’s now or never to get that valuable content. When you do a video, people may plan to watch it but so often we put it off and forget. Live means you get more viewers who don’t want to miss out on what you’re doing.
Overall, there are so many benefits of going live that are going to make you really stand out as a true expert. Video is a great place to start but going live is where the real value is unlocked.
Watch the full video on becoming more confident online and how to utilise video effectively to stand out here: How to Use Online Meetings to Grow Your Accounting Firm
The world has changed. We have all gone online. We are living with Zoom and Microsoft Teams every day. And it’s changing the way we communicate. You need a different set of skills to communicate through a webcam or camera, and when you master these skills, you will stand out from the rest of the profession, win more work and have more success.
If you found this content helpful and want to build your confidence in online communication, enrol in the Online Live Academy to get live training every month, plus additional video training, systems, tools and resources designed to get results FAST!
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Wishing you every success on your pricing journey
Mark Wickersham
Chartered Accountant, Public Speaker and Author of Amazon No.1 Best Seller “Effective Pricing for Accountants”