5 Ways to use Facebook to Win More Clients - Part 1
Jul 04, 2022
In my last blog post, I went over the reasons I believe Facebook is the most powerful social media channel when it comes to marketing and winning new clients. In this blog post, I now want to share with you 5 ways that you can use Facebook to win clients. This blog post has the first 2 opportunities, and next week I’ll share with you the last 3.
#1 – Facebook Ads
Let’s get this one out of the way, because it’s the only one on this list that will cost you any money, plus it’s the most complicated and time-consuming.
One of the things that Facebook does want you to do is ‘pay to play’, and so Facebook Ads can be incredibly powerful for reaching a large audience. You can be very specific about the type of people you want to be targeting with your Ads. This is great if you have an ideal client profile or a specific niche you’re looking to work with. If you want to work specifically with more manufacturing clients in a particular geographical area that are a similar age to you – Facebook Ads can help you find and target those people with your content. That’s the power of it.
However, you do have to pay for this feature, and it can get expensive. Plus, this takes an advanced level of expertise if you want to take it seriously. I’ve been using Facebook Ads for several years now, and we’re still learning continuously how to improve them and get them doing exactly what we want.
Because they can be so complicated to set up, if you’re not reaching the right clients, it’s not worth your time, effort and money. That’s why you need to figure out the return on your investment. You need to track your conversions and clicks from Ads and figure out if they’re worth the money you’re spending on them.
If you spend $1000 on Ads, and that results in one meeting that turns into a client that’s worth $1000 a year, you’ve proven that the system is working and is worth your investment.
#2 – Facebook Page
Now that Facebook Ads are out the way, these next four features are all free. Let’s start with the easiest – setting up your own Facebook Page.
Your Facebook Page should build up your expert positioning, build your Know Like Trust (KLT) factor, and get across your personality. You want people to see it and be able to get to know you and see you as the expert, so they want to meet you and ultimately work with you.
There are two types of Facebook Pages: your personal page, and your business page. For now, you certainly need to have a business page set up. A great Facebook Page is as important as your website. And it’s free! You may as well set one up. People are increasingly searching for businesses through Facebook, and professional Facebook Pages appear high up in Google search results as well.
That’s because, firstly, there’s often more interesting stuff on a business’ Facebook Page, and often more up-to-date and recent stuff too. You can find out everything you need about the business in one place whilst also seeing their most recent updates and getting an idea of their personality and expertise.
Secondly, people can click the ‘message’ button to connect with you immediately. Facebook Pages make it so easy to contact businesses without having to open Email and draft a long message. With Pages, we can ask any little question that occurs and often get a fast response.
Make sure your Facebook Page is getting across your personality. Add a banner and a profile photo which include photos of yourself or your team smiling so that people can see you and start to build up an image of you. Add photos of you showing your expertise (e.g., speaking at an event, meeting with the team, working with a client), and make sure all your details are accurate and that your description is engaging and informative.
Once your page is all set up, you need to think about content. Regularly post updates, images, videos, blog posts, useful links, Q&As, polls, quotes etc. – keep creating content and updating your Page to really build up your expert positioning, show that you’re active on the platform, and show potential clients that you’re the person to come to if they want answers.
When someone engages with your content, give their comment a like, answer their questions, let them know you see and appreciate their input. This is going to show that you are actively using the Page to help people out, and that engaging with your content is worthwhile.
What to do next…
In my next blog post, I’m going to take you through 3 more ways to use Facebook to win more clients.
In the meantime, get started setting up your business Facebook Page. Or, if you already have a Page set up, think about how you can improve it to really improve your expert positioning. Maybe plan out some fresh new content you can share with your audience.
Plus, start to consider whether Facebook Ads are something that could help you reach new clients. Have a look around the platform and start experimenting! When done right, they really pay off.
Click here to watch the full video on this topic.
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Wishing you every success on your pricing journey
Mark Wickersham
Chartered Accountant, Public Speaker and Author of Amazon No.1 Best Seller “Effective Pricing for Accountants”